The Fairy birthday party was a success! It turned out so adorable! Let me share some of the details with you....
Ok so here was her invitations. I loved the way they turned out. It has such a magical feel to them! They are now available at my etsy store HERE

The food setup was fun. I love all the details that were put into everything. water bottle lables (also available just contact me) to the cake, to the decor.

LABELS (contact me and I can customize them for you!)
Purchased my striped paper straws HERE (really good price!!)
I made my banner from paint swatches that you get for free at walmart! TUTORIAL HERE
The fairy houses were SO much fun to make. I have to give a HUGE thank you to my mother-in-law who LOVES fairies. Most of the decor was able to happen because of her. It truly did have such a magical feel with the little fairy houses everywhere. My little Birthday fairy was in heaven along with all the other little fairies that came. I got the fairy house Idea from THIS blog. Check her blog out! LOVE TI!
This AMAZING/CUTE/FUN sign board was made by my step father-in-law and mother-in-law. They have a business that does engraving and everything they have done has been incredible. Anywhere from engraving glass cookware for weddings, to engraving info on personal guns, pocket knives, etc., to a stinken cute sign for a fairy party! If you want more info let me know. I will be posting their website soon.
I got this banner idea from... where else... PINTEREST!!
I had all the kids sit down and make their fairy wish. After they had in all written or drawn down (on paper below) I then had them fingerprint it so it would come true. IT WAS A HIT!! (BTW you can download the "make your fairy wish" page for FREE HERE
As the little fairies entered the fairy garden, they received fairy wings, wands, and a halo.
I purchased the wings and halo from the dollar store
I made the Fairy Wands (tutorial coming soon)
I also took their picture before they entered the fairy garden!
My mother-in-lay is so dang incredible. She had such an amazing fairy costume that was made and she came a Fairy Grandma. Ally felt so loved. Fairy Grandma was so amazing and truly was such a HUGE hit!
So we came up with an Idea that all the kids would pick their fairy name. We choose quite a few first, middle and last names for them to choose from. Example FIRST: Glitter MIDDLE: Autumn LAST: Dew.
Of coarse the boys that came didn't want frilly girly names so I put my husband on the job thinking he would do more masculin names, I was a little surprised not really surprised when I saw Fart Pirate Butt, or Stinky Toe Sparkle. Oh the boys thought it was great! ha ha, leave it to the men!
My little cousin is such an amazing little artist, She was so sweet to come and do face painting for all the kids. They loved it!
This was one of my FAVORITE parts of the party. Fairy Grandma had story time. I loved how all the little kids were so attentive and asked questions. It was such a sweet part of the party!
LOL just had to throw this one in there. All the MEN were so funny and all of them put sweet little wings on! Everyone thought this was great! Thanks for being such troopers you manly men!!
It truly turned out so cute! I hope this can spark some Ideas for your fairy party! Thanks for checking it out! xoxo