
Thursday, June 14, 2012

6 years

Sorry for the lack of posts lately... I am working on a couple projects and everything got put on hold for as couple days because my little man is sick! Mommy duty calls :) Anyways I will be posting more projects next week. 
So on the Saturday the 16th I will have been married 6 years to the man of my dreams. I am so grateful to have such an incredible hard working man in my life. Our marriage is not perfect, BUT it is better than ever, and I am happy that I get to share my life with him. He is not only my husband but also my best friend! Joey and I met in middle school and were "boyfriend and girlfriend" ha ha its so funny to look back and think that we've been together for 11 years. Who knew that my little crush in the 9th grade would end up being the man I marry. Joey is the most incredible Dad, I could not have asked for a better father for my kids. Here is to 6 years of marriage and to many many more! I love you baby!


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