
Friday, March 29, 2013

Just some Ideas...

So I seriously have been wanting a project to do in a house of my own for a LONG time. The house is coming along but I am wanting it to go faster..

I know I need to be patient, at least that's what my husband keeps telling me :) 
I have been deciding what to do in the kids rooms and I thought I would share a couple ideas I had for... 
Main colors that I want..

click HERE for source

click HERE for source

click HERE for source

click HERE for source

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click HERE for source

 I have a new found LOVE for restoration hardware.  I absolutely adore the weathered rustic look but I do not want that as the main focus in my house (although I will have a few rustic fun touches), I decided to have Rhetts room will be the rustic room. :) I want it pretty rugged (I of coarse will add a touch of vintage football (request from Mr. Collins) yet still little boyish. Make sense? Anyways those were just some Ideas that I had for my little/big boys room. I do not want to spend a crap load on the decor, so I figure I can have fun going to yard sales and thrift shops to find what I need. This room is perfect for that! What do you think? If you have any suggestions on how to or where to get some fun rustic pieces in the Salt lake valley or online, please do share :) have a fantastic Easter weekend!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Non Existent.....

Want to know why my posts have been practically non existent the past couple months?

AND THIS IS WHY (of coarse among other things )
ahh exciting right? Ya I think so too, BUT it is also super stressful & nerve racking! Building a house is a lot different than I expected. I have cried quite a few times already! ha ha well I will be posting all about this fun experience more and more and once the house is done I have a TON of ideas and projects that will be sharing!! Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring is in the air.

Hey Guys. I don't know about you but I am totally ready for SPRING!! I can hear the angels singing. I am ready for flip flops, shorts, maxi dresses, and SUN. So to start the spring off right I thought I would make some really cute spring printables and best part.....DRUM ROLL.... They are FREE!! Fun way to spruce up your home decor with some bright fun designs! just click on the the link and download to your computer! I know, your welcome :) ha ha





I hope you enjoy them! Share the love and pin them :) Have a fantastic weekend guys! xoxoxo

Saturday, March 9, 2013

There has been a change or two...

Notice the new blog?? Well you also might notice the change in the name! I have officially changed to Tiffany Collins Design. I have been presented many wonderful opportunities this past year. Not only am I designing cards and invitations but I also have been doing some interior design and home staging on the side. Yes exciting, I know right! EEK!! I have been SO lucky & I am so very grateful!! I have decided that I want to not just focus in on crafty stuff on the blog but home decor, design tips, free prints, invitations, cards, party ideas, etc. So welcome to Tiffany Collins Design. Yay! I am super duper excited! I have been working on some really fun spring printables that I will be posting this week. I will also be sponsored on a really fun blog this week that I will be sharing with you as well!! Thanks for stoping by!!